Monday 20 April 2015

Hello Nani!

Many times I have been told that at the time of my birth, my parents were happy...very happy. Happy because like every young parent, they also wanted to grow with kid. They also wanted to do all things that no doubt, every parent dreams about. Teaching me how to walk step by step, how to pronounce papa n mamma.

But after I was actually born, things were little different for my mom n dad. Both were working parents. And the question raised was that how the child (me) would be brought up? Who would look after him? How would my mom manage the two tasks i.e. her job and nurturing her new born baby.

After all the considerations on these questions, ultimately the BIG project of mine went into the hand of my grandmother, my naani.

Though it was a painful decision for both my parents, I started living with my naani. As far as I know consciously and what I have been told by my parents is that initially I struggled to live without my mom n dad. After all blood is blood. I had really missed them so much that I had started burning with fever. But the person who looked after me was my naani, day or night she stayed with me always.

Months sped by and my condition got worsened so much that I could hardly stand on my own legs. But the lady always made sure that I was taken the best care. My state at home shook my mom and dad at Bangalore. Finally, the blood bond won over everything else and I was taken to Bangalore to stay with my parents.

Years later, we had moved to Mumbai. By this time I grew up and had started my academic. And this was the time when my younger brother had entered in my life. Two children and single source of income. How to plan my future and this newly entered guest's?  Again these thoughts resulted in the conclusion that my naani would come to Mumbai and look after me and my brother.

This time, though I stayed with my parents but I was close to my nani. Especially, those 8-10 hrs when mom and dad were in their jobs. The new bond got strengthened day by day. From making breakfast to dinner, she would do everything for us like a real mother. She would make sure that I complete my home assignments and go to tuition. In short, she offered us a perfect care.

When I attained a conscious state in my life, I was told by my parents that I was mature enough to take care of myself and my lil bro. So, the lady left us and went back to her own family.

After that she had definitely come to Mumbai many times as a guest to us but never ever stayed for a longer time.

Today it has been 8-10 years since she came to my house last time. From last 2-3 years she was not keeping well. And the situation got worst last year when she was bed-ridden due to paralysis.

Whenever I did call to ask about her well-being, she just wanted me to come to her such that she could see me for the last time. Everytime she asked me and everytime her patience and excitement got broken. The busy schedules of my in work never did allow taking even a two-day break.

I never knew that she would soon leave us for the peace in heaven.

Today, it has been more than 3-4 months and all I am left today with the regret of not meeting her, not seeing even a once. I just wish to speak to her, ask her where is she? How she is doing? And hope she is happy…

Saturday 31 January 2015

Stars of Future India

It's a cold blasting winter evening. I am cozily sprawled on my bed, watching a news channel. Time is say what 8pm. It's a prime time as per journalism jargons. The news channel happens to be the top rated Hindi news channel. There is an exciting debate going on between Bollywood celebs, politicians and socialites. The subject is fresh n hot - the development of India as a nation post freedom.

Amidst this face-slapping debate, a cute lil cousin of mine comes to me. He asks me to help him in easily remembering the history dates. On a serious note, I have been pondering for a clue on how the historians memorize the dates.

Without any solution, I simply tell him to just mug up the dates, like most of us do. At least I prefer this simple. The cute face smiles at me and go back with an attempt of what I told him. All seemed to be well until I glanced at my cousin during mid-break of the debate. And that moment opened the floodgate of questions in my mind.

It all starts with why these adolescent minds have so much pressure of study? How they do handle the pressure? And most importantly what children would gain with this kind of education. Will this study pressure help them in their professional career?

After 10-15 years, when these children will start seeking their first job, no interviewer will ask them the dates of history or formula of maths. But yes definitely the work experience or at least the know-hows of the profession's background that they choose.
Education nowadays is the same as it was four- five decades ago. It's the same system that we are following till today. During that period, children were allowed to have education such that they could be superior to others. They could achieve a good status symbol after getting higher degree. Earlier, if a person had a high degree and was well-qualified then he could get any high paid job.

But, over the decades, the education in itself has gone through a sea of change. Hence we need to change the perspective through which we approach education today. Today, parents need to change their thinking process. Now, education is not just a mere medium of getting degree or attaining status symbol. But, an important aspect that determines how a child will earn his bread and butter for his life. In shorter, how will he survive in this cutthroat competitive world.

There is no secret that children are more active today. Every child has a special talent. Some have artistic minds, some have intellectual minds. Not every child is best in their academic. This thing parents need to realise and should understand their child interests. If he/she has any good skill...then parents should give the child a chance to explore the hidden talent.

But this is almost impossible unless the education system changes. Why can’t we have a career or professional based education system from school? Imagine there is a child who is good with writing stories. If he is given a good training and development...who knows...the child could be a great story writer in future. Same goes for other fields.

Don't you people think, this initiative will prevent cases of children's wrong-landing in alien jobs post their education. Also, each and every field will get well-deserving candidates. Moreover, no child will wander jobless simply because they have a tag of being fresher. A to Z practical training of the chosen profession would definitely give the child a competitive edge. 

Hello dear...I am your Mr. Thumb

With an attempt to introduce myself,
Say hello to you under the light of lamp,
Don’t mind if I give you tension,
I have my problems to mention,
Hello dear...I am your Mr. Thumb

The time when you came on the earth,
Facing since then happiness dearth,
All because I was kept alone,
 Separated from my rest buddies in an isolated zone,
I am your Mr. Thumb

Clueless whether to blame you or not,
Suffered loneliness throughout life a lot,
Staying so close still miles apart from them,
Do you know why my life is so lame?
I am your Mr. Thumb

When you had rosy cheeks on a face round,
Didn’t know how to do finger count,
You asked me to help in every possible way,
Except that you always kept me at bay,
I am your Mr. Thumb

A happy time came once in the blue,
When Zuckerberg  gave us our long due.
Felicitated our importance in face book with like,
Would have said a big thank... had i got a mic.
I am your Mr. Thumb

From writing alphabets to love letter,
I struggled to make your life better.
Rewards' hope for my contribution became zero,
The moment you chose the ring finger as a hero.
Hello dear...I am your Mr. Thumb
Am I so idiot and dumb???

No resolution is New Year resolution

It's another 31st night.  Time is say what... little past 11 pm. I am slouched on a bed in my little room. As the clock marches towards 12, we head to the dawn of a new year. A part of me enforces me for a new attempt towards my old resolutions that could not be accomplished. And, one part of me convinces me to don't make any resolution this year as I see them getting broken in a matter of days or weeks.

No doubt making resolutions and working to achieve them makes a person's life cheerful. It is like chasing happiness by working on those small compartments of our life that we feel are getting neglected, whatever may the reasons are.
This year I have decided to stay happy with whatever I have rather than going after happiness.

After almost living one-fourth of my life, I have realized that happiness lies in our daily life. If we attempt to find happiness in our life, we may find in plenty. I have realized that in pursuit of happiness that exist tomorrow we are losing the happiness that exist today.
For the last couple of weeks I have started thinking only positive. I have started segregating my daily schedule systematically, unlike earlier. Working hard to complete my daily to-do list such that no work gets backlog for the next day. No wasting time such that I can leave the office by 7 and spend some more quality times with my family. Preparing the meeting agendas in advance on Saturdays such that I won’t have to cancel my hangouts with my friends on Sunday evenings.

It's not that I have made any resolution to make my life organised but from past many days I have started giving importance to every aspect of life. From office work to family to friends to self-improvement time. Perhaps, it is by chance or some spiritual force, i don't know. But i have realized that every aspect plays a vital role in our life. And, if we divide our time to all  these aspects, life becomes sweet, simple and cheerful. For many of us, this has always been the main target of our life. Isn't it?

So, why not start living life with this approach and come new year, we will not feel upset on getting resolutions broken as no new year resolution will be made.

Tuesday 30 December 2014

YES (Year End Season) Poem :P :P

Facebook par ho like ya twitter pe ho tweet
Yahan sharing se hoti hai friendship ki jeet.
Khushi ko share karte hain kyunki mantra hai B-positive.
Naye India ka hum mein hai power to lead.

Dost ke status par comments karenge
Kisi ka bhi dil nahi todenge
Waqt par ek ho kar bhi dikhaayenge
Apni taaqat se world jeet jaayenge.

Zidd hai iss saal haste rehni ki
Smile wale smiley se gam ko bhulane ki
Naye profile pic se doston ko jalaane ki
Aur apne crush ka pic dekh blush karne ki.

Ajeeb si duniya humko mili hai
Jahan bhooli bisri yaari phir se milti hai
Ek se anek khushiyan banti hai
Yahin toh friends list mein dosti amar rehti hai.

Facebook par ho like ya tweeter pe ho tweet

Yahan sharing se hoti hai friendship ki jeet.

Monday 29 December 2014

Bol Bachchans of Ad World!!

Being an ad land's folk, I truly appreciate new work experiences that I get here every day. Chances not less than any golden opportunity of working for different brands. In these years of advertising, I have learnt that like every brand is different than another brand. Similarly every person in the ad world is different with unique trait and attitude. Definitely, people here come from different walks of life. But, frankly speaking, in this ad world there are two kinds of people. One who believes in doing more and talking less and the second is who just simply talks more and works less. Here my reference to ‘talking’ is in context with bragging about themselves...what we normally call as Bol Bachchans. 

Personally, I know one of these bol bachchans, worked with one of my colleagues’ friend, in a top notch ad agency. If there is one single word that can define this person, then ‘laid-back’ is the word that goes best as whatever had come to my ears about him. Ask him anytime about a creative job when the deadline is approaching and he will respond you with a casual attitude as if deadline is not so important thing on the brief leaf. Actually I have a theory...more the person brags about self, lesser he is capable of doing jobs. They simply can’t stop of bragging about themselves in front of juniors at any odd hours.

Brainstorming session in ad agency is something that every creative person is bit scared of. It is the session where we discuss our new ideas with seniors with a hope of cracking a new communication for client's product. Every idea that we share with our seniors is not less than an interview experience. One vague idea and it will be shown the way to dustbin before thinking of its capability even once. In contrast to our scenario, these bol bachchan guys will share their ideas with so much pride as if the ideas are their own innovations. But down the line, these ideas are tried and tested formulas by yesteryear ad gurus. Even, if by any chance, they share a different idea, it has a null execution power. 

So, the question arises here, how these bol bachchan guys have been surviving in this competitive ad world till now. Probably, by narrowly escaping the challenging lanes of the ad world. 

Whatever the reasons are, the fact is that now it’s the time to bid adieu to these bol bachchans and get aboard a chunk of good people who believe in good work not big talk. It’s because of these guys that we lose many fresh talents who have individual and unique perception to look out into Indian ad industry requirements. We know that empty vessels make more sound but why give empty vessels chance to make sound???

Happiness Wanted!!

A little more than a decade ago, when I was an adolescent pimply boy, holidays or weekends were something made me happy. Happy because weekends were the time when I with my younger brother would plan for outing with parents. I saw myself enjoying my childhood best by visiting to Mumbai’s beaches, having dinner at different restaurants and enjoying old giant wheel rides at a fair.

Of course things have definitely changed over the years. Everyone embraces change, provided it is for good one. But there are some changes that I personally never wanted to occur. Nowadays, weekends have become a family fun-time that includes window shopping, munching on junk food at foreign food chains. Earlier where Udipi (a South Indian pure vegetarian food joint) was favourite hang out spot for not only my family, but also for many families in Mumbai. But, now malls' food court has become favourite.

Evenings were the time when we all friends could go out and play cricket, football at playground. And, celebration of winning the matches with Chinese food at local rediwallas with friends is something that added a different flavour to our evenings. And you will see today’s kids also playing cricket n football....but unfortunately by gluing themselves at malls game zone. Sarcasm apart, today mall culture has influenced everyone; whether he/she comes from middle class or high class. 

Names like Nike, Puma and Adidas were alien for me, unless I attained the knows and hows of advertising world in my life. But, ask today's gen kids, and they will know the exact location of a brand's outlet in the mall; courtesy to their more often visits. Today, everyone wants to spend their weekends in a nice mall in the vicinity, coupled with a cool ambient.

Sure, according to today’s kids, the mall culture is something they enjoy, they love. Simply because mall is the place where they can get everything under one roof; from playing games to buying clothes to having lunches and dinners. But, don't you think that amidst the malls culture they are losing the real happiness of spending weekends. The excitement of planning to venture into an unexplored food joint in coming weekend. Crazy fights with siblings on fixing menus for next Sunday evening, and most importantly asking daddy the know-it-all questions about the stunts that bikers did in circus.   

On one end where I feel blessed of having experienced these fun times with family and on another end, I feel sorry for my children that they won’t be able to experience what I have had as the happiness of those weekends is lost somewhere.