Saturday 31 January 2015

Stars of Future India

It's a cold blasting winter evening. I am cozily sprawled on my bed, watching a news channel. Time is say what 8pm. It's a prime time as per journalism jargons. The news channel happens to be the top rated Hindi news channel. There is an exciting debate going on between Bollywood celebs, politicians and socialites. The subject is fresh n hot - the development of India as a nation post freedom.

Amidst this face-slapping debate, a cute lil cousin of mine comes to me. He asks me to help him in easily remembering the history dates. On a serious note, I have been pondering for a clue on how the historians memorize the dates.

Without any solution, I simply tell him to just mug up the dates, like most of us do. At least I prefer this simple. The cute face smiles at me and go back with an attempt of what I told him. All seemed to be well until I glanced at my cousin during mid-break of the debate. And that moment opened the floodgate of questions in my mind.

It all starts with why these adolescent minds have so much pressure of study? How they do handle the pressure? And most importantly what children would gain with this kind of education. Will this study pressure help them in their professional career?

After 10-15 years, when these children will start seeking their first job, no interviewer will ask them the dates of history or formula of maths. But yes definitely the work experience or at least the know-hows of the profession's background that they choose.
Education nowadays is the same as it was four- five decades ago. It's the same system that we are following till today. During that period, children were allowed to have education such that they could be superior to others. They could achieve a good status symbol after getting higher degree. Earlier, if a person had a high degree and was well-qualified then he could get any high paid job.

But, over the decades, the education in itself has gone through a sea of change. Hence we need to change the perspective through which we approach education today. Today, parents need to change their thinking process. Now, education is not just a mere medium of getting degree or attaining status symbol. But, an important aspect that determines how a child will earn his bread and butter for his life. In shorter, how will he survive in this cutthroat competitive world.

There is no secret that children are more active today. Every child has a special talent. Some have artistic minds, some have intellectual minds. Not every child is best in their academic. This thing parents need to realise and should understand their child interests. If he/she has any good skill...then parents should give the child a chance to explore the hidden talent.

But this is almost impossible unless the education system changes. Why can’t we have a career or professional based education system from school? Imagine there is a child who is good with writing stories. If he is given a good training and development...who knows...the child could be a great story writer in future. Same goes for other fields.

Don't you people think, this initiative will prevent cases of children's wrong-landing in alien jobs post their education. Also, each and every field will get well-deserving candidates. Moreover, no child will wander jobless simply because they have a tag of being fresher. A to Z practical training of the chosen profession would definitely give the child a competitive edge. 

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